
Village Hall Supper and race night on Saturday 26th October,  7 for 7.30pm in aid of Village Hall funds. For £15 a head you’ll get a delicious meal of locally sourced venison and assorted puds followed by a bit of fun with a charity race night.  You don’t have to bet, just stay and help build up the atmosphere; but if you do bet 50% 0f the takings will go to the Village Hall and 50% will be paid out to those who bet on the winning horse.  If you’re lucky you’ll make money, if not your money has gone to support YOUR Village Hall.

Tickets John Macdonald 01963 370444


Don’t forget the Hall is there for your use at all times.  Its an ideal party venue as it’s away from other houses but you can use it for pretty much any legal purpose.  We already have a couple of Art classes and Yoga happens on Tuesday evening but if you want to rehearse a play or have a band practice or meet like-minded people for coffee or toddler’s play group, we’re here to help you.  You don’t have to live in the Parish but, if you do, you’ll get preferential hire rates.

Contact John Macdonald 01963 370444

Chairman’s report 2024

Minutes AGM 27 April 2024

St Margaret’s Hall uses personal data for the purposes of managing the hall, its bookings and finances, running and marketing events at the hall and its fundraising activities. Data may be retained for up to 7 years for accounts purposes and for longer where required by the Hall’s insurers. If you would like to find out more about how we use your personal data please read our Policy and Procedures.
Click Here for Village Hall booking details
The Committee is anxious to recruit new members. Anyone living in Horsington or South Cheriton is welcome to put themselves forward for election. The Committee meets four times a year at the Hall, usually in the evening; but the AGM is normally held on a Saturday morning followed by a meeting of the newly elected Committee. If you would like to volunteer, please speak with John Macdonald 01963 370444.


New Somerset Waste planwaste



Horsington Village Hall, also known as St Margaret’s Hall, lying, as it does midway between Horsington and South Cheriton, is ideally placed for the inhabitants of both villages.

The Hall, built in 1907,  has been extensively modernized, refurbished and extended in recent years with financial help from the Lottery Fund, Sport England, Local Authorities and charities, to provide a Community Centre that has excellent kitchen facilities and an area that is just large enough  for a badminton court. (Click for layout plan ). Easily mountable sections can be put together to form platforms or a full stage across the northern end of the Hall and more substantial stage sections can be hired at extra cost.  Given the access to the adjoining sports changng rooms it is possible to mount plays, musicals or pantomimes without difficulty.

The external parts were repainted in 2013 and the interior of the Hall was redecorated in 2015. There are changing rooms and showers for cricket and football, on the nearby playing fields, and off-road parking for 25 or so cars.

In 2016, we installed new radiators and ceiling fans,  which force warm air back down into the Hall instead of allowing it to escape upwards, thereby maintaining a uniform heat and ensuring that the building heats up rapidly.

Thanks to the generosity of local resident, Rupert Martin, Chairman of Dextra Lighting in Gillingham, new LED lighting has been installed in 2017, much improving the light in all areas of the building.

Because of its isolation from other buildings, parties can be held with minimum disturbance, and Horsington Village Hall holds a public licence for music and dancing for up to 120 people. Temporary licence for an event, including the sale of alcohol, (TENS) can be obtained from South Somerset District Council.

Horsington Village Hall has been awarded Hallmark 1 status  by Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE). Hallmark 1  highlights good practice around hiring arrangements and booking procedures, insurance and maintenance of the hall and is an indication that the management of the Hall is of a very high standard.



If you are a local business or organisation and would like a link to your website please contact the Editor.